Basic beauty every bride should look on their wedding day

Basic beauty every bride should look on their wedding day

Marriage is an important event in the life of every woman, it’s time that you commit with the love of your life to become your wife and spend your life with him. This great day you should give you yourself the attention you deserve and do not skimp on details to see beautiful, because, no matter where you perform the ceremony or how many guests you have, it is essential that you feel comfortable and happy to celebrate. You can then read the aspects you cannot forget to make your bridal look are perfect.

Nails and toes

You should try to keep your nails moisturized with cream at least a week before, to prevent drying or go bankrupt and they can look healthy.

To have soft cuticles and couples, you must dip your hands in warm water and then push (never cut) back with a “cuticle pusher.”

If you’re going to wear nail polish, apply two thin coats to avoid lumps and your nails look shiny.

Basic beauty of bride
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Hair removal

Any part of your body you are going to treat, needs to rest at least two days to completely close your pores and your skin is not red or swollen.

Sometimes after shave some small bumps may appear on your skin, this is because the pores are not completely closed and infected. A tip to avoid this is to apply baking soda after waxing because it helps close the pores, and then use aloe vera cream to reduce any redness or swelling you may have.

Skin hydration

The skin is the body’s largest organ and needs to be always hydrated. There are different types of skin and therefore, are also different for each product.

You should ideally hydrated every day of your life, but it is imperative that you do sacredly for several days before your wedding to make your skin soft and smooth. Despite what one might think, if you have oily skin you should also hydrate with suitable products.

Basic beauty of bride
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A visit to the dentist

Your teeth are very important for you to have a perfect smile in all the pictures of your marriage. For this it is necessary to visit the dentist so you can realize prophylaxis and treatment, which are set deep cleaning, which can also help you deflate your gums if you have gingivitis. Another thing you could do for you is your dentist whitening, but for this to be effective and does not compromise the health of your teeth is by sessions and therefore should consider at least one month in advance to do so.

You can also get veneers, which serve to give a uniform to tooth morphology, but its cost is high and the process is long, so you should consider it well so that everything is in order when your wedding day arrives.

Face Treatment

I need to exfoliate your face is young and fresh, this process removes dead skin cells from your face and dirt to prevent you from infecting your skin pores or put more fat than normal. You can do it with commercial exfoliates or home and help your skin renew its surface layer. The important thing is that you do only once a week, because if you do it more often can damage your skin.

After exfoliation, your skin will have a better ability to absorb substances, and therefore is the needs for that moisturize with creams or lotions and get twice the benefits now.


One of the main enemies of your hair is frizz, you should avoid at all costs so that nothing interrupts your day, and it is advisable to use anti-frizz products in the shower or with wet hair to make its effect without your hair put heavy and unwieldy. Split ends are also a problem from the aesthetic point of view of your hair, and it is found that the hair only regenerate from the root, therefore, it is best to cut your tips before your marriage to your hair not see neglected.

Basic beauty of bride
Image Source: Google Image

Wipes removes fat

Often makeup clog pores and facial skin looks “bright” after a while. Currently there is a very effective product called “removes fat wipes” that absorbs the oils from your face even when you’re made up, remove the shiny appearance of the face and environmental dirt that comes to him, does not cause allergies and comes in a convenient format to transport. You can use them whenever you want, as they have no side effects or moisturizing makeup.

Removal of blackheads

A tip to remove annoying black spots on your face is steamed expose (without burning the skin) and after a couple of minutes remove and press gently zones of the problem. The steam expands the pores and makes it easier to remove blackheads.

To prevent your pores again go through this, use masks to reduce its size and thus avoid re-entering them and generate dirt blackheads.

Remember these important points for the day of your marriage and there will be nothing stopping you look Radiant and perfect!

Marlon Walker

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