Classic Bridal Dresses with Boho Chic Accessories

Classic Bridal Dresses with Boho Chic Accessories

Wedding with classic dress but with Boho Chic accessories is the new trend and for its beauty, it will still be for years to come. Lace, Volant, flower crowns between your hair and maybe sandals at your feet so your ceremony is really stress-free.

Organizing A Boho Chic Wedding

Boho Chic Wedding Dress
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1. The suitable location

This marriage is different from all others, loves nature, a free spirit, a very artistic and creative ceremony, and all this will have to take place in a place that knows nature, with its fragrances, and its silences. The suitable place would be an ancient villa, those with solid wood doors, sober, delicate colors, perhaps with light interior and with large barrels to breathe the atmosphere, even if surrounded by antique objects for sure the ceremony will be perfect.

Boho Chic Wedding Dress
Image Source: Google Image

If, however, couples have a reduced budget, they can opt for a country house, perhaps with a restored stall where the event can take place; this style is going to be very fashionable in the US. A long wooden table where all the messengers can celebrate the bride and groom, but above the entire wedding dress classic but with a touch of Boho Chic.

2. Hippy Wedding and Eating

Wedding should be definitely very hippy, with lots of details, gorgeous decorations, but no doubt bohemians. This is definitely among the stars of cinema and entertainment in general and the most popular fashion.

Boho Chic Wedding Dress
Image Source: Google Image

Necessarily, food is something very important, in fact, the most important things to consider when planning to organize an event in this style are those that relate to nature, and even the most connected to the land where exactly the marriage. Food strictly bound to earth, organic products.

3. Music to choose from

Boho Chic Wedding Dress
Image Source: Google Image

Surely, the theme should be acoustic guitar music, harp, cello, and the ever beautiful accordion. All vintage instruments that with their vintage sounds will be able to bring the true essence of a wedding into this style.

Marlon Walker

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