Wedding hairstyles with long hair

Wedding hairstyles with long hair

You are getting married, you have long hair, do not want to cut them and you are looking for a nice hairstyle for your wedding? Were quiet, there are lots

Among anxieties and doubts that afflict a bride in the days leading to that of her marriage, there is also what concerns their look. The dress will be perfect? Will my future husband to put faith at the right finger? The flowers will be as I have always dreamed them? Bridal shoes that I have chosen will make me sick, and I want to take them off after one hour from the celebration?

Wedding hairstyles
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We stop but actually, between the pre-wedding doubts there are many, too many! It almost seems that the mind decides to give us a bad joke and make us doubt until the last pitch that you are doing. Yet most of the time this is not about the couple’s relationship, but only the fact, the organization of the wedding, which usually takes at least a few months. And so patiently.

Among the wedding hairstyles and the most elaborate details they are, however, those made on long hair. Needless to dwell explaining why, because, in fact, is quite obvious. Can be made bun, tails, braids, particular crops, semi-collected, and you can even let loose, as long as you choose some beautiful accessory for hair as a headband, a wreath or a clasp of crystals, just to name a few.

Wedding hairstyles
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One of the most beautiful wedding hairstyles with long hair is definitely represented by the chignon. In this way a opt for a total harvest. You can choose whether to let you do rigorous, almost like that of ballet dancers, or softer, almost irregular but cleverly worked. You can also make you add braids to enrich it.

Wedding hairstyles
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Is not usually used at weddings because it often occurs to get out, to go to work, however, every day. Entrusting you to expert hands you will see that this fresh and young look is also very suitable for an important ceremony like your wedding!

Wedding hairstyles
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Hairstyle Another very beloved wife, the braid to be done in many ways, from the classic herringbone. In this case, rather than behind it, as usual, you could do it sideways, this way you will gain immediately looked more romantic.

Wedding hairstyles
Image Source: Google Image


Finally, if you have long, flowing hair, you can also opt for a hair look loose. Usually the smooth plating is absolutely not recommended, they prefer the soft waves, creating a more gentle and refined mood. Although the church will have the veil, always remember to make you add, even at a later time, a bridal accessory in your hair, so you’ll be perfect even during the reception.

Marlon Walker

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