The make-up perfect wedding for each hair color

The make-up perfect wedding for each hair color

Blonde, red or blackberry? For every bride on her make-up! Here are some useful tips to know how to orient among the thousand proposals cosmetics offers depending on the hair color of their skin and have a perfect makeup for your special day!

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Make-up suitable for brides with blond hair

The perfect makeup, if you’re the blonde from fair skin, is definitely the one that unites a beige foundation, eye shadows cold and no limit to the color of the lips.

Prefer an orange blush. For eyes the tones of blue, purple and green are a must but do not give up the gray, silver and bronze that are colors that with your complexion and your hair, natural or dyed as they are, are married to perfection.

Pencil and black mascara cannot possibly miss. The lips adore the day pearly pink and bright colors for the evening.

Really you can afford to everything from this point of view!

If, however, your complexion is golden, I recommend you use a golden base course; you prefer the opaque lands to enhance the cheekbones and blush peach or coral pink. For eyes in brown colors are fine and for the lips and always keep on fishing or brick color.

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Make-up suitable to the brides dark hair

The makeup suitable for those with white skin and dark hair is a trick, which sees a clear basis, and opaque, so she can put your complexion well in prominence. The eyes in this case they want a color that call them back or otherwise just a pencil line, maybe nuanced. They’re very well as gray or plum, and then finally, a touch of mascara.

If, however, you are more Mediterranean, blackberries with an olive complexion goes without saying that you’ll need a dark foundation, ocher, with the addition of a little blush and pink blush.

Draw the inside of the eye with black pencil and played with eye shadows for a chiaroscuro effect. Brilliant and bright colors will add value to your lips and your complexion.

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Make-up suitable to the brides red hair

Memories fire or chestnut honey, and you have a porcelain skin? Also suitable for the red golden-skinned, surely, is to adopt a clear foundation and peach, as indeed must be the blush.

Everything must remember the warm tones of the hair. The eyes deserve an apricot, beige, gold and a hot chocolate. Then finished it all with a touch of mascara.

The look is complete with a satin nude lipstick. As you will understand, dear friends, your hair color plays a very important role in the choice of makeup. It’s along to your skin to decide which color palette suits you the most.

There is a “hot” and “cold” fee for each case. Bring along these little tips in perfumery make no mistake your purchases to make up and be more beautiful and fascinating!

Marlon Walker

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