How to dress in a hippie wedding

How to dress in a hippie wedding

There are many types of weddings as boyfriend’s types: traditional, by the church, civilly, on the beach … and of course, there are the hippie’s weddings. If you are invited to one of these weddings, choose white for your dress, long dresses cotton fabrics agreeableness and remember to bring a floral motif. Still you do not know what to wear on that hippie wedding to which you are invited?

Brides who want to hold a hippie wedding can choose a sexy dress: strapless neckline with for example, and give the hippie touch to your look in the hair. In that case, let your hair down and decorate with flowers.

hippie wedding
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You can also opt for more diaphanous dresses, less tight to the body, to leave mark your curves but without going glued to your body. Your hair is another safe bet to complement your look.

In the hippies weddings, many brides choose to wear the veil and this can be tied back with a flower on one side of hairstyle. So you will give the hippie touch to your look dress.

hippie wedding
Image Source: Google Image

The sweethearts may be dressed in a traditional suit, but forget the morning coat or tuxedo. Ideally a traditional suit and tie and you can make your look more hippie with a flower on the lapel or including a supplement that breaks with the colors of the suit. For example, on shoes.

If you are invited to a wedding you can opt for a suit, this is always a successful outfit. Most hippie’s weddings usually held outdoors so chooses bright colors or pastel and break your look with a “more casual”, for example in camel tone shoes.

hippie wedding
Image Source: Google Image

To attend a hippie wedding, bet on the white. You will not fail. Choose a short or long dress, according to your tastes and here you can afford to choose more natural and soft, like linen or cotton fabrics. Do not forget to include in your look some floral complement that gives you the hippie touch you need

Marlon Walker

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