7 valid tips for the wedding hairstyle test

7 valid tips for the wedding hairstyle test

Your wedding hairstyle is what will give the final touch to the bridal look, so the tests you will do before the big day become very important. Discover with this article how to make the most of them.

Can you imagine yourself with a beautiful side bride hairstyle but still you are not convinced that it is the right one for you? The hairstyle that you show off on your wedding day plays a very important role; from her it will depend, in broad lines, the completion of a perfect wedding look. 

For this, it will be important to be able to make the most of all the beauty tests, including those of the bride makeup, before the big day! An unsuitable hairstyle, due to hurry, nerves or not having carried out the necessary tests, would penalize the whole look  with a result far from the hoped one. Once you have chosen your wedding dress therefore, the next step will be to immediately book your first hairstyle test!

In all the tests that you will reside the key necessary to achieve a perfect look and should therefore be exploited to the full! Today we give you 7 essential tips that will provide you with a useful guide to make the most of the tests you will do for your dream hairstyle …

wedding hairstyle
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1. Choose a good professional

Choosing a suitable professional, a person you trust blindly, that you like his hairdressing jobs and believe that he can realize exactly the perfect hairstyle for you is not easy.

To get your ideal hairstyle, suitable for your face and style, you will have to rely on expert hands, but how do you know if the hairdresser you have chosen is the right one? You will feel a special feeling from the first moment and you will feel understood in your requests. You will still have to trust this person and if even your criteria are the most important thing, you will also have to let yourself be guided by his experience: it will help you better understand what you really want.

In addition, you must take into account other factors, equally important. If your hairdresser is also a make-up artist, it will undoubtedly be a further point in her favor: what make-up and wigs are by the same professional will guarantee you a lost harmony between hairstyle and make-up. Ask also if it is available to move the wedding day coming to your home: in this way you will be more comfortable and safe enjoying every moment of this very special day.

wedding hairstyle
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2. Take into account your physiognomy

Depending on the shape and characteristics of your face, the choice of one style of hairstyle over another will depend. Studying the appearance of your face and knowing what kind of crop, as well as cutting, will enhance you more, will help you to make a pre-selection of bridal hairstyles, getting closer to your ideal …

  • If you are lucky enough to have an oval face, you will have a variety of hairstyles at your disposal that will suit you; with the central row, backwards, in harvest or semi-clean, for a formal or more natural style, the secret of your look in keeping your face as much as possible uncovered, leaving your features visible.
  • The most romantic hairstyles, the waves and that unique effect that give the small strands of loose hair, will be the ideal hairstyle for brides that have the shape of the most square face.
  • If the shape of your face is more elongated, a beautiful crop, perhaps with a fringe or a tuft on the side, a low braid, will be perfect to enhance your beauty.
  • For a rounder face instead, the crops, especially if high, are the most indicated as they produce the visual effect of extending the shape of the face. In addition, they favor especially the casual style frangles, straight but open on one side or cut according to a slightly asymmetric shape.
  • The fringe, which is not always good at all, will be the ideal complement of your hairstyle especially if your face has a triangular shape. The icing on the cake will be combining the fringe with a classic tall chignon.
  • Often a simple tail does not seem at all suitable to represent a hairstyle for an event as romantic and formal as marriage, but it is not always true: if for example your face tends to have the shape of a rhombus, a beautiful tail in all its versions could turn out to be your perfect hairstyle.
  • In the case of a rectangular face, very voluminous crops, high or low, on one side, and casual style, will be the most suitable: for a romantic and natural hairstyle.
wedding hairstyle
Image Source: Google Image

3. Show your dress and accessories

So that you can be sure that the chosen hairstyle is the right one, before going to rehearsals, the ideal would be that you already have the dress, so that you can show it to the hairdresser physically or in pictures; in this way, during the rehearsals, you can already get a very approximate idea of ​​how you will be on the whole, knowing that hairstyles are better suited to your beautiful dress. In this way, moreover, you will guide the hairdresser, who will be able to advise you in the best way.

Especially if you intend to wear a hat or hair accessory, it is advisable to inform your hairdresser as a subio, so that he can take it into account when preparing the tests.

wedding hairstyle
Image Source: Google Image

4. Explain the style of your marriage

Inform your hairdresser about the style of your wedding because even the hairstyle will have to stick to it: the hairdresser you choose will advise you what will be the type of hairstyle that will best suit your wedding

5. Factors to consider

Also explain what factors to take into account: what will be the place of reception and the time of year, climatic factors such as humidity or heat for example, since they are all elements that will affect the choice of a hairstyle rather than another.

wedding hairstyle
Image Source: Google Image

6. Photo of the tests

Take several photos to the various tests you will do, from different angles, will help you to study your look from different perspectives. Bring your cell phone or camera and ask someone to help you with the various catches.

7. Be faithful to your personality

As already mentioned, it will be important to take into account the professional advice of your hairdresser, but remember that your opinion will be the most important to consider in order to obtain a bridal look that fully reflects your personality.

So do not try to reinvent yourself by choosing a bridal hairstyles that may be strident, exaggerated or simply far from your character: it is your wedding and what matters most so that you feel completely at ease is that you see yourself authentic, as well as you are in your everyday life.

Marlon Walker

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