How do my hair and makeup for a wedding

How do my hair and makeup for a wedding

No doubt a wedding is a unique day for the couple, but for many of the guests is also a source of stress is that months before the event started thinking what we will, what accessories take but especially how we canvass and makeup. For the agony in WeddingHairStyle we give you some tips for hair, face as wedding time and time trends, notes, and find your own style.

Wedding makeup and hairstyle
Image Source: Google Image

The choice of hair and makeup depend, of course, the label of the event. If it is a simple wedding because you also can fix a simpler way, but if marriage is more elegant then must be consistent

For weddings in the morning the trend in makeup are light colors, pastel, pearl or ivory type, nothing too dark or overdone. Hair hairstyle can go on a semi collected or loose with some touched fashion as desired, such as flowers very favorable for this time of day

The weddings in the afternoon allow the entry of other shades for makeup, for the celebration possibly extend into the night, the colors brown and gold are suitable and the range of pinks and yellows. The hair can be semi or fully collected without losing the freshness of a hairstyle beautiful but simple

Wedding makeup and hairstyle
Image Source: Google Image

The evening weddings allow makeup in darker shades as desired, blacks, grays, blues, lilacs and generally the most striking colors have no place. Hairstyles can vary from semi collected or collected loose but with some elaboration: bright headdresses, tiaras and all kinds of decorative elements are welcome provided they harmonize with the look

Note that the makeup and hair must generate, along with clothes, a harmonious look, so too elaborate hairstyle must be accompanied by a simple makeup, or vice versa. If you have chosen the suit is very striking not do the same with hair and face, or you could look over arranged for the occasion.

Wedding makeup and hairstyle
Image Source: Google Image


  • Test each different tones on your skin to see what the colors that suit you and that they are consistent with the dress.
  • Imagine the possible hairstyles that would fit and if you just do not feel comfortable with any let loose and in some detail.

Marlon Walker

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