If you have just got engaged, these five things can wait

If you have just got engaged, these five things can wait

Getting engaged is an exciting time in a couple’s life and it is tempting to start planning straight away; however, enjoying the moment and sharing the news with your family and friends is also special, so make the most of it and let the practical side of things wait a while. For most couples the next stage after marriage is thinking about children and you may want to consider both using Home StI Kits London way to ensure that you are both in the best sexual health before you think about trying for a baby. This is important so as not to pass on any infections to your unborn child.

Bridesmaids and page boys

Be careful not to make any promises in the heat of the moment. When telling friends and family, don’t let them bully you into asking them or their children to play a key role. Take your time and have a long hard think about who you want by your side.

Buying your dress

For brides planning to marry in a traditional wedding gown, buying the dress can be the most exciting part of the planning. It can also be the most expensive, so look online and invest in a few bridal magazines but don’t rush into parting with your money. Remember to ask about ordering deadlines and how long it takes for adjustments.

If you already have an engagement ring, take your time buying the perfect wedding ring to match. 2018was a great year for celebrity engagements.

Table plan

You will probably know straight away whether you want a big or a small wedding and the number of guests you want to invite. By all means, contact the venues you are interested in; however, there is no need to plan who sits where until much nearer the time and definitely not until you have sent the invites and had your RSVPs.

First dance

Many couples share a special song, which makes deciding on the music for your first dance easy; however, if you are struggling with the choice, make some time to listen to some love songs together. If you do your research, the right one will be sure to come your way.

Bridesmaid dresses

As with your wedding dress, don’t rush into buying the first thing you see, even if you have your bridesmaids all sorted. Decide on your dress first and then think about whether you want a particular theme or style. You can plan a fun girls’ day out to choose the bridesmaids’ outfits together.

Marlon Walker

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