Romantic proposal ideas after lockdown

Romantic proposal ideas after lockdown

You’ll want to retell the story of how you proposed to your spouse for the rest of your life if you make it truly romantic and special. There is a certain amount of pressure to get it just right, so here are some helpful ideas for you to put your own personal and romantic spin on:

Unless your partner hates being the centre of attention, a public proposal can make a wonderful proposal idea. Pick a favourite destination that means something to you both. You could your Park Homes Gloucester location to do this as it’s a beautiful setting, well known and meaningful to both of you.  While you’re there just remember to take pictures for the album and think Park Home Life provided Park Homes Gloucester , I wonder whether they will want a picture. Ask a passer-by to take a photo of you both but instead of posing, drop onto one knee and propose!

Hire a brass band to perform in a local park and have them include your partner’s name in a song as you approach. This is the perfect time to make your move with the ring.

Visit an aquarium and arrange beforehand for the divers to show a waterproof sign with your proposal message on during feeding time in one of the tanks.

Call up a radio station and ask them to play your proposal when you know your partner will be listening.

Whisk them away on a romantic break for two. This requires a little pre-planning with the flight crew but while in the air, use the plane’s loudspeaker system to announce your proposal. If all goes well, you’ll get a lovely round of applause and maybe even some complimentary champagne!

Build a sandcastle together on the beach (while the tide’s out) and when your partner isn’t looking, delicately place the ring on the highest tower. Using glow-in-the-dark letters, spell out the proposal on your bedroom ceiling. When you both go to bed, turn the lights out and all will be revealed!

An easy and cheap, home-made proposal idea is to buy some candles and make a trail through your home to a circle of votive candles around the ring. Turn out the lights and let your partner follow the trail until the ring is revealed and you can propose.

Set up a ribbon trail. Tie some ribbon from one spot to another throughout your home. Along the way, attach little notes detailing great memories you’ve shared. Wait at the end of the ribbon, down on one knee and ready to pop the question.

Get a custom-made jigsaw that has a picture of you and the proposal written underneath. On a rainy day or quiet Sunday afternoon, suggest doing your new jigsaw together and wait to see the surprise on their face as you slot in the last piece and make your proposal.

Take your partner out for a romantic meal but plan ahead with the restaurant that when dessert is brought out, the chef has written ‘Will you marry me?’ in chocolate sauce around the edge of their dessert plate.

Marlon Walker

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